Chronic Care Management Benefits

  • You will gain a team of health care professionals dedicated to help you plan for better health and stay on track.
  • You will also receive a comprehensive care plan, which will help support your disease control and health management goals, including physical, mental, cognitive, psychosocial, functional, and environmental factors.
  • We will help you stay on track with treatments, medications, referrals, and appointments.
  • We will give you support in between doctor’s visits, encouraging you to engage in your treatment plan, such as helping you on be more conscious of taking your medications and follow what your doctor has ordered.

Research from CDC confirms that patients with chronic conditions enrolled in effective CCM improve on their overall health and the cost of care reduces significantly. CCM can help improve care coordination and health outcomes, reducing health care costs

Request CCM

Ask Your Doctor

If you want to obtain all the benefits of CCM talk to your doctor and request CCM services.
Any provider that you see periodically should be able to provide you with CCM services, if your provider is not currently offering these services tell them about DX Healthcare Services.

Patients’ Responsibilities

  • Patients need to consent to CCM services.
  • They need to understand that only one health care practitioner and/or hospital can provide these services, this means they can’t receive it from each doctor they see.
  • Patients may not consent to receive CCM services from other providers/facilities.
  • Patients can request to stop CCM at any time.
  • CCM is covered by Medicare, however CCM is also subject to deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays, this means that you could receive a bill from your doctor for these services.
  • As you may understand, at the moment you meet your deductible, you may still be responsible for a copay in case you don’t have a supplemental insurance. This copay is approximately $8 to $9.

Don’t forget that in the long run CCM saves you way more money than the cost itself, not even considering the time and improvement on quality of life.